Sunday, April 12, 2009


If anyone were to walk into a typical high school classroom at (U)NCSA, it would be immediately very clear to them that there is no strict dress code for students. In this classroom you may find a dancer in their leotard and tights with shorts or a musician in dressy clothes to get ready for a performance. The reasoning behind this lack of dress code is has to do with these facts:

1. We are all incredibly busy and sometimes we have to dash straight from a dance/movement class or the gym (and let's face it...our beds for some cherished resting time) to our classes.
2. So many of the high schoolers are dancers or drama students who have strict dress codes within their art areas that they wear their leotards or black sweats around campus.
3. At (U)NCSA we are artists, wishing to express ourselves creatively. If our creativity spreads into our wardrobes, so be it. In fact, this creativity is long as we wear shoes!

I could only find a few rules regarding a dress code for high schoolers at (U)NCSA. One is that we all have to wear shoes to class. This is acceptable, because this is more a safety rule than a dress code rule. Another rule is that if we are laying out on the hill to sunbathe, we must wear at least a swimsuit, or what is covered by a swimsuit. Also, I found that wearing simply undergarments is prohibited (shocking, I know).
So keep your choice of clothes on, kids!

-Becca Blank

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